Enrique Rivera, Colorado Springs CO.

Injuries, illnesses, or disabilities can pose health challenges and disrupt your life, potentially leading to work cessation or hindering your daily activities. Re-establishing your previous lifestyle or reducing the impact of these issues is a crucial aspect of your treatment plan. While the recovery journey might be lengthy, there are methods to regain your work capacity and daily chore abilities. Occupational therapy is one such method, and it can play a significant role in helping you recover and improve your quality of life.


Occupational therapy is a broad field that encompasses various ways to help individuals regain their ability to perform daily tasks, from basic activities like feeding oneself to more complex tasks like returning to work. This type of therapy is customized to address the specific needs of the patient and provide strategies to overcome limitations imposed by health conditions. It is valuable for people of all ages.

Occupational therapy aims to help patients adapt to new circumstances or recover lost skills affected by their health issues. Occupational therapists use a range of methods, which can include teaching patients how to use assistive tools or devices for specific tasks, as well as working on physical aspects such as strength and balance. The approach taken by an occupational therapist is tailored to the unique requirements of each patient.

While occupational therapy may share some similarities with physical therapy, the two professions have distinct focuses. Occupational therapy centers on achieving specific outcomes by helping individuals complete tasks using various tools, whereas physical therapy emphasizes the process of strengthening and conditioning the body to manage pain and regain overall function.


Occupational therapy can be an essential service for those who need it, but it does come at a cost. Fortunately, if you’re covered by Medicare and your doctor deems occupational therapy medically necessary, it’s often covered by Medicare.

1. **Outpatient Occupational Therapy:** If you receive occupational therapy on an outpatient basis, it falls under Medicare Part B. To access this coverage, you first need to meet your annual Part B deductible, which is $226 in 2023. After reaching your deductible, Medicare will cover 80 percent of the approved cost of occupational therapy, and you’ll be responsible for the remaining 20 percent. The cost of individual therapy appointments may range from $50 to $400, so your out-of-pocket expense could be between $10 and $80, depending on the services and the type of appointment. Durable medical equipment prescribed by the occupational therapist should also be covered by Medicare. The good news is that there’s no limit on the number of occupational therapy appointments or the total amount Medicare will pay as long as they are medically necessary.

2. **Occupational Therapy as Part of Inpatient Care:** If you receive occupational therapy as part of inpatient care, your coverage shifts to Medicare Part A, not Part B. Like Part B, Part A has a deductible, which is $1,600 in 2023. After meeting this deductible with Part A-covered costs, your coverage begins. Occupational therapy provided as part of inpatient care falls under your Part A hospital coinsurance. For the first 60 days, you won’t have to pay any coinsurance. After that, you’ll be responsible for a daily coinsurance, which changes annually. For days 61 through 90, your coinsurance is $400 in 2023. Beyond that, you enter lifetime reserve days, with a daily coinsurance of $800 in 2023.

Medicare covers occupational therapy in both outpatient and inpatient settings to help you regain your functional abilities, but the specifics of the coverage can vary based on your particular circumstances.

Occupational therapy is a valuable resource for people seeking to maintain or improve their quality of life, particularly if they’ve been affected by illness, injury, or disability. Collaborating with an occupational therapist can help you develop a personalized strategy to regain lost functions and abilities. And with Medicare coverage, this therapy is an affordable option for those who need it.

Keep in mind that everyone’s health is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, the information in these articles should not be a substitute for consulting with a healthcare professional. Your doctor is the best source of guidance for your individual health needs and concerns.

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